Critique Groups

Critique groups are truly an amazing thing, especially if you have found some that match your writing style/your schedule. It can be a daunting task to find one that fits what you need and what you are looking for but once you do they are truly worth the commitment. In fact, I have found them to be so helpful that I think every author is a liar. We should each have “By” and then a list of about twenty or so people that helped us perfect every line of our story.

To all new writers I implore you to find a critique group or two before you start sending your manuscripts out. When I first started writing I was so excited, I wrote a book! I thought, as many first-time writers do, that it was perfect. Surely it would be snatched up by a publisher in a matter of months. WRONG! I sent it out too early to just about every publisher I could find and even my dream agent John Cusick….yes, I have a dream agent…don’t judge me. Wait until each of your critique groups think it is ready! If they don’t think it is ready then I guarantee your publishers/agents won’t think it is either. I know, this is a hard concept. It means waiting and waiting and waiting. Something I am not very good at, which is a large flaw in a writer because finding a publisher/agent is nothing but a huge waiting game. Now, because I sent my work out before it was ready I have to play an even longer waiting game.

So I am telling all of you new writers, wait! It’s worth it. Make that manuscript shine before you send it out. If you do the waiting game will be significantly shorter. And who knows, maybe you will get your dream agent/publisher.

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